no, i'm not going to get all hipster on you and subject you to my list
of all the obscure bands & albums that you totally missed--
but the name of this post was so silly i just couldn't resist
so here are ten songs that always leave me totally blissed:
belle & sebastian -- another sunny day.

another sunny day, i met you up in the garden
you were digging plants, i dug you, beg your pardon.
lil' wayne -- gangsta shit (feat petey pablo).

i'm gon round up the whole uptown
we gon burn this bitch down to the ground.
the cars -- double life.

neon blinking on the street
everyone is bittersweet.
brendan benson -- cold hands, warm heart.

you're too quiet, I'm too loud -
now we've hit a storm cloud
i''ll see you on the other side.
jens lekman -- black cab.

oh no, god damn, I missed the last tram
I killed a party again -- god damn, god damn.
silver jews -- trains across the sea.

in 27 years i've drunk fifty thousand beers & they just
wash against me like the sea into a pier.
okkervil river -- listening to otis redding at home during christmas.

and i know that it’s home because that’s where the stereo sings
“i’ve got dreams to remember.”
but not even home can be with you forever.
aesop rock -- lucy.

you can dream a little dream or you can live a little dream
i'd rather live it -- cuz dreamers always chase, but never get it.
why? -- gemini (birthday song)

when we're on different sides of the globe
i thought we'd keep our veins tangled
like a pair of mic cables.
the national -- mr november.

i wish that I believed in fate
i wish i didn't sleep so late.