Sunday, November 12, 2006


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when does a hipster become kind of unhip?
at what moment do you go from in to outdated?
all i know is i've sort of let my savvy ratings slip
and i'm no longer too cool for school - i'm graduated.
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mellow dramas for p & p

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I might just have to let you go
Don’t know what else to do, you see
We’ve tried the a b c and g
Each one a big resounding No
Is it just not meant to be--
That thing called, what, called We
I just don’t know.

You might just have to let me go
Even though
We have good chemistry I know
(and sparks can sometimes drown out woe)
But can this, will this lad and lass
Manage the Leap ‘cross an impasse
That would Thelma and Louise most?
How should I know.

I might just have to let you go
In fact I know I should
(I love you so).
Would being alone be good?
Are we mismatched or just misunderstood?
Indecision runs from head to toe.

You might just have to let me go
(I’m drunk, you know)
You’ll talk the talk but can’t quite walk
But we should go.
Away from here and each other.

I might just have to let you go
You’re about a mile away
But more but more – and there you’ll stay
I let you go.
And woe.
And woe.
And so.
And so.

And so.